Why do I walk? A simple question, at least initially. My first thought comes easy, to honor mom. Ironically, when mom could no longer walk independently due to her advancing Alzheimer's Disease, our family began walking with her and for her. It became another family tradition (like our Easter Egg Toss) that has grown to include friends, as well. Mom has since passed, dad, too. They're missed each time our family "Walks". But, more importantly, they're remembered. So, simply, I walk for my mom, Elva Day. She loved her family unconditionally... My secondary reasons for continuing to Walk4ALZ is to support the fight and find a cure for this tragic, memory stealing disease that upends the lives of both its victims and caretakers, alike. I walk to support the ancillary services funded by ALZOC. And, closer to home, I walk to prevent my family from suffering the pain of losing yet another family member to Alzheimer's Disease. For my mom, and all our loved ones, let's "kickALZazz"!